Wednesday, January 27, 2010

settling in

G'day! Its another hot, humid and sunny day here in MacGregor (the suburb of Brisbane where I live). Yesterday was a national holiday here-- Australia day! Pretty similar to the fourth of july for us.. Very patriotic, lots of barbecues, red white and blue, aussie flags everywhere and fireworks at night!

Theres a picture of me in front of the beautiful city. I got an entire patriotic outfit from K-mart so I fit in. My shirt even said "100% Aussie". (oops. I lied).

Today marks our team's official start to the year. We had a week at a staff conference, then we've spent the last week settling in and "nesting". We had our first team meeting today-- the most unique meeting I've ever witnessed. 3 of us were here and 2 were still in the US! Nate joined us on skype from a Caribou coffee in St. Cloud Minnesota, and Amanda joined us via skype from her home in Racine, WI. Here's our first ever team picture:

We got a lot accomplished today and are having another planning meeting tomorrow. Praise God that we have this incredible use of technology at our finger tips so we can get things going even if we're not on the same continent.

Thats all for now! Please pray (still!) for Nate and Amanda to arrive quickly! Nate's still waiting on his Visa, and Amanda has to wait to come with him.

Thanks and God bless you!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

hello from the land down under :)

Hello friends and family! I've been in Australia for 3 days now, and am adjusting to the heat and humidity fairly well. Last night my teammate Ben and I joined 2 others at a Cricket match at the largest professional Cricket stadium in all of Queensland. What a cultural experience! It was a lot of fun-- especially once I understood what was going on on that field!

Tomorrow we leave for a 5-day staff conference called Nexus. I'm excited to meet other CCC staff in the country and prepare for the upcoming year of ministry! We'll be near the ocean as well, which I am especially excited for. Please pray that God would use this next week at the conference to prepare me for ministry this upcoming year!

God bless, Emily


Hello friends and family :)
Thank you for taking the time to read my blog! I want you to know that my intentions for documenting my time here is so that you can share in this experience with me. I'm here as a missionary--Christ's ambassador, to share His love with students and help them to grow in their Christian faith. I want to thank each of you who have supported me financially and prayerfully, and for your encouragement along the way. I also want you to know that I also plan on including photos, stories and insights into every aspect of this year-- the fun things we'll do on weekends, trips to the beach and other travel experiences-- but its ALL to the glory of God. I hope that you'll be encouraged by how God is moving and by what He is teaching me through this experience!

Blessings, Emily

Sunday, January 3, 2010

prayer letter posts

A friend told me how to do this and I'm just giving it a shot. I'm planning on posting my monthly prayer letters on my blog throughout the year. (this was my October newsletter) Thanks Londa :)

Saturday, January 2, 2010

its a new year!

HAPPY NEW YEAR! I feel so blessed to have been able to spend the past 5 new years eves surrounded by 1500 college believers at the Campus Crusade for Christ conference in Minneapolis, called TCX.

Twin Cities eXperience (TCX) is an incredible time to grow in your faith, learn practical applications and develop deep friendships with other Christians. I've made so many memories there during my 4 years as a college student, and this year was no exception. The theme was "RADIATE", and all about how we are called to radiate Christ's love to the people in our life, and take steps of faith so that everyone has an opportunity to follow Him. I'm so thankful that my dearest friends were there, many drove as far as 6 and a half hours to celebrate the new year in awesome community. There was fellowship, prayer, worship and of course, lots of dancing as we counted down 'till 2010.

I finally got to meet my STINT team mate, Amanda, and we hit it off right away :) The former stint team and our new team got to "pass the torch", so-to-speak, and I feel even more excited about this upcoming year of ministry. We also finally booked our flight! I leave January 12th!

I feel absolutely blessed with the best friends I could ask for. I'll miss you all this next year!

Much love and blessings in the new year,

books to read

  • Jesus Without Religion, by Rick James
  • Every Woman's Battle, by Shannon Ethridge
  • Red Moon Rising, by Peter Greig
  • Communicating Christ Cross-Culturally, by David Hesselgrave
  • The Master Plan of Evangelism, by Robert Coleman
  • Let the Nations be Glad, by John Piper
  • Changes that Heal, by Henry Cloud
  • The Life you've Always Wanted, by John Ortberg
  • Jesus Wants to Save Christians, by Rob Bell
  • Living by the Book, by William Hendricks