Monday, November 30, 2009

Visa. Its everywhere you want to be.

Well isn't that the truth! (Not the Visa credit card, of course... the Visa that will allow me to spend the next year as an Australian resident!)

Not only have I grown in my faith tremendously by trusting the Lord to provide for the financial support I need for a year in Australia... I now get to trust Him yet again to provide me and my team with our Temporary Resident Visas on time! We were supposed to mail in our forms by October 1st... but with all of the unexpected medical exams and official immigration documents, we only mailed them last week. Even though we've been told that it will likely take 8-10 weeks to process our Passports and get 2-year Visas, I have seen God do (what I previously thought to be)nearly impossible things in the last few months. It has been so incredible to watch the Lord bring me to new people who caught vision of what He was doing around the world! How could I dare doubt Him now?

Tomorrow is December 1st. Our tentative leave goal was/is January 7th. While I'm hesitant to begin an "official countdown"... Its 38 days!

Would you pray along with me, that our Visas would be processed quickly and that we would get our passports back in our hands within a few weeks? Also, please pray that I would be at 100% of my financial goal by Christmas. I'm at 96% right now, and am fully confident that the Lord will continue to provide!

1 comment:

  1. So great to hear that you are close to being finished. I'm really proud of you Emily.


books to read

  • Jesus Without Religion, by Rick James
  • Every Woman's Battle, by Shannon Ethridge
  • Red Moon Rising, by Peter Greig
  • Communicating Christ Cross-Culturally, by David Hesselgrave
  • The Master Plan of Evangelism, by Robert Coleman
  • Let the Nations be Glad, by John Piper
  • Changes that Heal, by Henry Cloud
  • The Life you've Always Wanted, by John Ortberg
  • Jesus Wants to Save Christians, by Rob Bell
  • Living by the Book, by William Hendricks