Monday, February 28, 2011

orientation week!

This past week we have been on campus meeting freshmen, asking God for opportunities to share our faith with students who are interested in hearing more about what Christians believe and who the heck Jesus really is.

God totally provided for us!!! Firstly, the weather forecast was supposed to be rainy all week... but we had gorgeous, 90 degrees and SUN! Secondly, we had 10 of our students helping us reach out to freshmen, 8 of whom have been involved in Student Life less than a year! Thirdly, we had a huge response of students interested in either: 1)finding out more about Student Life Bible studies, events, etc, 2) learning more about Christianity, 3) finding out more about who Jesus is, and 4) Men's and Women's events throughout the semester.

Please be praying for us as my team and our students call students to set up appointments on campus over the next 3 weeks... join us in praying that God will bring 10 students into a relationship with Himself as a result of these orientation week surveys... Praise Him that we already have one new believer! Her name is Rita, she is from China, and she's actually going to be my new roommate! She's from the same hometown as my two other Chinese roommates, Phoebe and Jeanie. They were the only two people she knew in all of Australia, and they're my two Christian roommates... I think God just likes to show off sometimes :)

Photos of O-week to follow...

1. The guys helping the bouncy castle crew move it back a few feet... they were having trouble just the 2 of them :)

2. My teammate Ben and our students on campus

3. My teammate Danae and I, excited to see what God has in store this semester as a result of today's contacts:

4. One of our students Chris, along with our beautiful display boards, flyers, lollipops and surveys:


  1. Awesome awesome awesome, so excited for you EM! Awesome news about Rita! Great to read your blog and see what God is doing in Brisbane! I'm in Perth at the moment, helping get Student Life started here too. There's three students here from Queensland helping too, one each from USQ, Towoomba and Rockhampton. What's uni's are you at? Thanks for sharing what God is up to in Brissy! Xox

  2. its nice to see this blog, you are best , and God will give the direction . I pray that everything will be smooth during the time in Australia :)

  3. Hey Emily, it is great to meet you! u r doing really good on your ministry road :) dont worry too much about the way StudentLife is facing, God will help us and arrange the things for us, maybe it's not the best but would be the most stuitable :) God is smart he will take care of our pressures and burdens, and the thing we can do is to hold our faith and trust him! just keep going on, keep seeking his face and his will will be done :)


books to read

  • Jesus Without Religion, by Rick James
  • Every Woman's Battle, by Shannon Ethridge
  • Red Moon Rising, by Peter Greig
  • Communicating Christ Cross-Culturally, by David Hesselgrave
  • The Master Plan of Evangelism, by Robert Coleman
  • Let the Nations be Glad, by John Piper
  • Changes that Heal, by Henry Cloud
  • The Life you've Always Wanted, by John Ortberg
  • Jesus Wants to Save Christians, by Rob Bell
  • Living by the Book, by William Hendricks