Friday, June 26, 2009

nothing is a ritual.

I just finished reading "The Shack" by William P. Young. any thoughts? I guess I've heard a TON of people who despise the book... but I have to say I enjoyed it! A lot of people got all fussy about the book not being theologically accurate, but I just read it for the fictional story that it is. While it threw me off at first that God the Father was portrayed as a black woman, it totally made sense in the context of the book. God chose to reveal himself in ways that were completely opposite of Mack's 'traditional view', in order to make his faith more real... not the boring, rule-driven "religion" that he had grown accustomed to.

Nothing is a ritual.

I think this book was HUGE in my walk with the Lord right now. I suppose I have grown accustomed to the rules I have put in place that so-called "outline" what a relationship with God is supposed to look like. Nothing is a ritual! It sounds so simple! But when I find myself quickly blurting out grace as I'm already taking bites of my food, or sitting down to have a quiet time and forcing myself to journal some insightful thoughts... I now have to ask myself... Why? If I'm not doing these Christian activities out of an overflow of my love of God, then its all done in vain, isn't it?

As I continue to raise my support, I've noticed that my "ritualistic" quiet times have taken their toll on my walk with the Lord. As a result, I more easily am believing lies, or doubting in God's ability to bring in the finances that I need. When I meet with God on my own agenda I'm focused on myself and not on what He wants to show me. When I have an expectation that comes from this invented image of what my quiet times should be like... I get disappointed.

disappointed in... God?

Prayer requests:
1. These realizations of my "rituals" would be transformed into a deeper trust and intimacy with God
2. That I would continue to seek out the good works that God has prepared in advance for me to do... ie: blessing my family, friends, strangers with God's love that overflows
3. Support! That God would bless my efforts in making phone calls, setting up appointments, sharing my heart for this ministry with people that I meet, and bring these people to a decision in financial support.
4. A balance of TRUST and DISCIPLINE!!

God bless you!

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books to read

  • Jesus Without Religion, by Rick James
  • Every Woman's Battle, by Shannon Ethridge
  • Red Moon Rising, by Peter Greig
  • Communicating Christ Cross-Culturally, by David Hesselgrave
  • The Master Plan of Evangelism, by Robert Coleman
  • Let the Nations be Glad, by John Piper
  • Changes that Heal, by Henry Cloud
  • The Life you've Always Wanted, by John Ortberg
  • Jesus Wants to Save Christians, by Rob Bell
  • Living by the Book, by William Hendricks